Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My trip to Africa - Where it all began

  So, now that it has been 5 months after my trip to Africa.. I figured it is time to tell everyone who hasn't heard yet all about my trip. My original plan was to type up a letter to send to people, but that would be too long the more I got typing. So, I am going to share with you today as much as I can in 20 minutes and then if I do not say everything I want to... I will blog about it again soon...

My trip to Africa - Where it all began:
   My trip didn't begin on December 19th 2009, like one would expect.  My trip started way back in march of 2009.  You see in March, I knew over Christmas break I was going on a mission trip. I told my parents that I feel like God is calling me somewhere over Christmas break... but that could have been just take a week off of work and volunteer around here somewhere or physically go somewhere else. I knew God had big plans for me around Christmas.  If someone would have told me Africa - well I probably would have laughed at your joke and thought you were hilarious. 

      You see... I've never really had a drive to go to Africa. Don't get me wrong - they need to be reached as well.  But my heart was more towards city folk who think they can take care of themselves - like Europeans or Australia.  That could very well be because I'm high maintenance, but you always hear of people taking their trips to Africa or Mexico-the third world countries.  But you NEVER hear anyone going to places that are built up and have electricity and such.  Places where physical needs aren't really needed.  Those are the places I wanted to go.  The place where it seems no one really goes.

    Well, on with my story.  At the end of May, I was working at Camp Victory.  I think it was staff training and my friend Becky asked me if i wanted to go to Africa with her this Christmas. I said no way - i'm not made for Africa. (I told you I did not have a heart for Africa then).  She said okay and left it at that. I didn't think about this conversation again until later because to me it was a done deal - Africa=No!

    About 2 or 3 weeks later, I was really feeling convicted that I was holding onto something and I needed to give over to God 100% surrender to his will.  So, while my kids were in Bible class - I got on my knees and told God he can have everything, whatever his will is I will do.  Whatever he wants from me this Christmas - I'm all HIS and no one else's.

   That is when things started changing. Every few days I'd hear something about Africa and I could see God chiseling away my desires and replacing it with his desires. It wasn't until last year did I fully understand Psalm 37:4 - 

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

    This verse isn't saying if we delight ourselves in the Lord we'll get whatever we want - even if those are good things. No, what this verse means is if you delight yourself in the Lord he will give you His desires in your heart.  The desires of your heart are what he gives you when you delight in Him.  That is what was happening to me, my desire was changing for Africa. Crazy cool huh?
    The last weekend of camp.. Becky, my friend Lydia, & I were hanging out in the pool and Becky brought it up again and I told her how God changed my heart  and how I now wanted to go and for her to get me the details.
    Well, the whole month of August, I was constantly texting Becky trying to get the details.  But I didn't limit it to just with who she was going with.  I just KNEW i was supposed to be in Africa over Christmas break.   So, I googled everything trying to find a trip to Africa over Christmas break... but there was absolutely nothing. God was shutting that door.  

    Well, I think this is all for now.. that is A LOT to read .. so until another time! I hope you enjoyed this! 

In Christ,